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Establishing Search Criteria

Once the search target has been determined the next step is establish the search criteria Establishing searching criteria for a label is created using the following steps:

1. Select Any, All or None from the drop down menu. If “Any” is chosen, each row with criteria set will return the found instances. When “All” is chosen, only instances that meet all rows of criteria combined will be returned. “None” will return any instances that do not match the criteria.

Fig 89e
Fig 89e

2. The first choice in setting the criteria is the data type. The data types that can be searched are Text Notes, Labels or Codes. In the first drop down menu select Label to start to establish the initial criteria.

3. Establish the operator of the search criteria by selecting from the following drop down menu. As it relates to labels, these options mean:

Fig 89f
  • Is will return labels that contain the exact characters inputted in the search string.
  • Is not will return labels that do not contain the exact characters inputted in the search string.
  • Contains will return the labels that have the search string in their names.
  • Does not contain will return labels that do not have the search string in their names.
  • Begins with will return labels that have the search string in the beginning of their name.
  • Ends with will return labels that have the search string in the ending of their name.

4. Input a search string. This is usually the label name or part of the label name. A string is made up of any amount of characters including punctuation and other character types.

Screen Shot 2015-05-19 at 7.20.22 am
Fig 89g

5. Establish the last element in the search criteria row by selecting from the following drop down menu. “grouping” refers to a group of labels as defined in the Labels Tree.

Note: Grouping only applies to labels. Further criteria can be subtracted, added, or nested by using the buttons, respectively, to the right of the criteria row.

Fig 89H

6.The last item to set is in the Search Options section below the rows of the criteria. These options apply to all search strings that was inputted in the rows of criteria.

Fig 89I

  • Ignore case will ignore capitalization. So, Bob will be considered the same as bob.
    Ignore white space will ignore spaces between characters. So, Bob Jumped will be same as BobJumped.
  • Use wildcards, this is a method of pattern searching. If there were a certain amount of label names that started with B, an asterisk could be used to find these by using B* as the search string.
  • Trim whitespace will ignore spaces after names. This is helpful if names were inputted strangely.
  • Only search selected categories will search only selected code rows in a timeline.

7. With the criteria in place, press the Search button

Fig 89J

in the Find window toolbar. If any instances are found, the results will be displayed in the lower portion of the window with a count of the found instances at the very bottom of the window. Click on the disclosure triangle to reveal all the found instances.