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Editing Labels in the Labels Tree


Adding a New Label to The Labels Tree

Press the new row button in the tool bar of the label tree window. This will create a new row under the currently selected row or at the bottom of the window if no cells are selected.

Deleting a Label in the Labels Tree

Right click on the row number and select delete row from the pop up menu.

Changing a Label

Click in the cell and edit the text.

Creating Branches for the Labels Tree Popup Menu

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Adding columns to the labels tree will create branches for the popup menu that appears when you right click on an instance to edit the labels in the instance. Creating branches spreads the lists of labels out horizontally and groups them, so labels can be more easily navigated and found.

The root of the menu is the first column in the labels tree window. The second column creates a branch from the root and subsequent columns create sub-branches of the branches. The labels tree can have as many columns (branches) as is required. A branch ends when the last column and rows of that column end.

Here is how to create a simple one branch level menu.

  1. Create a new labels tree window. File > New > Labels tree.
  2. Add 1 column and 9 rows by pressing the add rows and add columns button in the tool bar.
  3. Add the name for the first branch in cell (1,1). Then, add labels in cells (2,1), (2,2), and (2,3). This creates the first branch with 3 labels as options in the popup menu.
  4. Add the name for the second branch in cell (1,4). Adding text into this cell ends the previous branch and starts a new one. Then, add labels in the cells (2,4), (2,5), and (2,6). This creates the second branch with 3 labels as options in the popup menu.
  5. Add the name for the third branch in cell (1,7). Then, add labels in the cells (2,7), (2,8), and (2,9). Adding text into this cell ends the previous branch and starts a new one. This creates the third branch with 3 labels as options in the popup menu.
  6. Save the labels tree, so it can be re-opened and used again to label instances in a timeline.
  7. Test the labels tree by opening a timeline and right clicking on an instance. If the labels tree is the top most label tree window, the popup menu will appear as it has been structured.

Editing Labels Using the Labels Tree Pop Up Menu

The labels tree is a pop up menu system used to add or remove labels for an instance in the timeline, movie organizer, and the sorter window. The labels tree pop up menu is auto generated from the labels in a code window or can be created manually using the Labels Tree window. When code mode is activated in the code window, the labels tree pop up menu is saved into the timeline and can be accessed by right clicking on an instance.

Strip Instance Contents

Sometimes it is necessary to remove any labels and instance notes from single or multiple instances in a timeline.

1. Select the instances in the timeline.

2. Choose Edit > Strip instance contents

Remove duplicate labels from Selected Instances

If data has been imported using one of the many imports, it can often contain duplicate labels that are not necessary. To clean up the duplicate labels, select the instances or all isntances and choose Edit > Remove duplicate labels from selected instances. Any duplicates will be stripped from the instances. This feature is helpful when cleaning up coded instances too, especially if label counting is important in the matrix or statistical window.