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Sorting Code Rows

Rows can be sorted in a variety of ways, manual dragging up and down being the most common. However, using name and color can automate the process and make organizing the timeline a lot quicker.

Sort Rows by Name

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Choose Rows > Sort rows by name from the main menu bar. All rows will sort by alphabetical order.

Sort Rows by Color

Choose Rows > Sort rows by color from the main menu bar. Colors are sorted in order of the palette from left to right descending from lighter to darker. The color palette has 600 colors and each color has an (X,Y) coordinate. White in the upper left most corner (1,20) and the darkest red in the lower right most corner (30,1) define the sorting pattern from left to right, top to bottom.

Sort Rows by Color then by Name

Choose Rows > Sort rows by color then by name from the main menu bar. All rows will sort by color and then within each color sort by name.

Sort Rows by Number of Instances

Choose Rows > Sort rows by number of instances from the main menu bar. All rows will sort according to how many instances are in each row. The row with the most amount of instances will move to the first row. The row with the second most amount of instances will move to the second row and so on.

Sort Rows in Reverse Order

Choose Rows > Sort rows in reverse order from the main menu bar. All rows will arrange in reverse order from top to bottom to bottom to top.

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