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Information Commands



Will return instances matching this label.

Format: string1.string2

Arguments: string1: A string in quotes representing the group name string2: A string in quotes representing the label name. If empty it will match any label

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


show count "team"."player1"
Returns the number of instances that have the label team▶player


Will return labels matching this label. If an instance has 3 matches it will return the instance 3 times.

Format: string1:string2

Arguments: string1: A string in quotes representing the group name string2: A string in quotes representing the label name. If empty it will match any label

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


show count "team"."player1"
Returns the number of occurrences that have the label team▶player


Grabs the output from another button using an identifier

Format: BUTTON button_identifier OR BUTTON button_identifier IN WINDOW window_name OR @button_identifier

Arguments: button_identifier: a string with the identifier of a button in the code input window window_name: the name of the code input window

Available: Available for code windows Version: 9 and later


BUTTON "another_button"
Returns the output from the button with the identifier "another_button" in the same window

Returns the output from the button with the identifier "another_button" in the same window


Grabs the name from another button using an identifier

Format: BUTTON NAME button_identifier OR BUTTON NAME button_identifier IN WINDOW window_name OR #button_identifier

Arguments: button_identifier: a string with the identifier of a button in the code input window window_name: the name of the code input window

Available: Available for code windows Version: 9 and later


BUTTON NAME "another_button"
Returns the name from the button with the identifier "another_button" in the same window

SHOW BUTTON #"another_button" STATE
Shows the state from the button with the identifier "another_button" in the same window


Grabs the output from another cell in the window

Format: CELL reference

Arguments: reference: ( column number or column title , row number ) or quoted text representing a cell or column title

Available: Available for spreadsheet windows Version: 9 and later


show cell (2,1)
Returns the output from the cell in column 2, row 1

show cell "my cell title"
Returns the output from the cell which has a title "my cell title"

show cell "my column title"
Returns the cell which has a column title of "my column title" on this cell's row

show cell ( "Column 1" , 3 )
Returns the cell which has a column title of "Column 1" on row 3

show cell ( $column-1, $row+2 )
Returns the contents of the cell 1 row left and 2 rows down

show cell ( "Column 2" , $row-2 )
Returns the contents of the cell which has a column title of "Column 2" and 2 rows up from this cell


Grabs the output from another cell in the window as a string

Format: CELL_STRING reference

Arguments: reference: ( column number or column title , row number ) or quoted text representing a cell or column title

Available: Available for spreadsheet windows Version: 9 and later


show cell_string (2,1)
Returns the output from the cell in column 2, row 1 as a string (even if the cell has as a number)

show cell_string "my cell title"
Returns the output from the cell which has a title "my cell title" as a string

show cell_string "my column title"
Returns the cell which has a column title of "my column title" on this cell's row as a string

show cell_string ( "Column 1" , 3 )
Returns the cell which has a column title of "Column 1" on row 3 as a string

show cell_string ( $column-1, $row+2 )
Returns the string from the cell 1 row left and 2 rows down

show cell_string ( "Column 2" , $row-2 )
Returns the string from the cell which has a column title of "Column 2" and 2 rows up from this cell


Grabs the output from another button using a name

CODE button_name OR
CODE button_name IN WINDOW window_name

button_name: a string with the name of a button in the code input window
window_name: the name of the code input window

Available for code windows
Version: 9 and later


CODE "another_button"
Returns the output from the button with the name "another_button" in the same window


Grabs the identifier from another button using a name

Format: CODE ID button_name OR CODE ID button_name IN WINDOW window_name

Arguments: button_name: a string with the name of a button in the code input window window_name: the name of the code input window

Available: Available for code windows Version: 9 and later


CODE ID "another_button"
Returns the identifier from the button with the name "another_button" in the same window


Will count the number of labels in the timeline (including multiple ones in the same instance)

Format: COUNT labels

Arguments: labels: quoted text specifying label you wish to count in the front timeline or instances(which can be grouped using OR, AND, NOT) optional WHERE conditions conditions: ROW = quoted text or ROW != quoted text (which can be grouped using OR, AND, NOT)

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


count "score"
Returns a count of all the "score" labels in the front timeline

count "score" and "fouls" where row="smith"
Returns the total number of "score" and "foul" labels in the row "smith"

count "score" where row!="smith"
Returns the total number of "score" labels which are not in row "smith"

count "score" where row!="smith" or row!="fred"
Returns the total number of score labels in the front timeline which are not in row "smith" or row "fred"

In the following example: $a = not ("shot" or "foul")

show count $a
Shows the total number of labels in the front timeline which do not have "shot" or "foul" labels in them


Will give the latest end time of the labels or instances in the timeline in seconds. returns -1 if no instances

Format: END instances

Arguments: instances: instances or quoted text specifying label you wish to get the latest end time

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


END "score"
Returns the end time of the latest instance which has the label "score" in seconds

END "score" and "fouls" where row="smith"
Returns the latest end time of "score" and "foul" labels in the row "smith"

END instances
Returns the end time of the last instance. i.e. The latest overall end time

show END instance[-1]
Shows the end time of the last instance (based on start time). This might not be the latest overall end time


will return all instances that have the correct end time condition

Format: instances WHERE END TIME operator value

Arguments: instances: quoted text specifying label you wish to count in the front timeline or instances(which can be grouped using OR, AND, NOT) operator: < >= = value: the end time you wish to test (in seconds)

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


count instances where end time > 20
Will count the number of instances that have an end time after 20 seconds

count "a" or "b" where row="row1" and end time > 20
Will count the instances that have "a" or "b" in them in row "row1" ending after the first 20 seconds


will get instances from specified timelines. Not using this command will default to use front timeline

Format: labels FROM timelines OR labels FROM ALL TIMELINES

Arguments: labels: quoted text specifying label you wish to count in the front timeline or instances(which can be grouped using OR, AND, NOT) timelines: A set of timeline names separated by a comma or the key words ALL TIMELINES

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


show count "a" or "b" from "timeline1","timeline2" where row="row 1" or row="row 2"
Shows the total number of labels in "timeline1" and "timeline2" with a or b in them and the row = 'row 1' or 'row 2'

count instances from all timelines where row!="row 1"
Returns the total number of instances from all open timelines not counting those in 'row 1'


will return all instances that have labels with this group name

Format: instances WHERE group = string OR instances WHERE group != string

Arguments: instances: quoted text specifying label you wish to count in the front timeline or instances(which can be grouped using OR, AND, NOT) string: a group name

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


show count instances where group = "team1"
Will show a count of all instances that have a label with the group "team1"


Finds the value from a range of cells with the given offset

Format: INDEX ( offset IN reference..reference )

Arguments: offset: an offset number (1 is the first cell) or column offset (1 is the first column), row offset (1 is the first row). If the offset is just a number, it will count the offset in the columns first reference: column number or column title , row number

Available: Available for spreadsheet windows Version: 9 and later


index (2 in 3,4..3,8)
Returns the 2nd cell in the range. This will be the cell in column 3, row 5.

index (4,2 in 2,5..9,9)
Returns the 4th column and 2nd row starting from column 2, row 5. This will be the value in column 5, row 6


Will give the index/position of the first match that contains an instance in the other instances (ordered by start times). returns 0 for not found, 1 = 1st instance etc...

Format: INDEX OF instances IN instances

Arguments: instances: labels or instances

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


index of "mark" in instances where row="row1" limit 1, -1
Returns the index of the first instance, in row "row1" that contains the label "mark" not including the first instance in the row


Will return the instances in the timeline.

Format: INSTANCES OR INSTANCES ( label logic number)

Arguments: label: A string or variable representing a label. Can also be groupName.labelName logic: = != < <= > >= number: the number count to compare for each instance. 0 is not used

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later. (label logic number) introduced in 10.2.1


length instances
Returns the total length of the instances in the timeline

count instances
Returns the total number of instances in the timeline.

show count instances ( "ButtonA" <= 2)
Shows the number of instances with two or one "ButtonA" labels

show count instances ( $a = 2)
Shows the number of instances with two labels represented by the string stored in $a

show instances ( "ButtonA" = 1 and "ButtonB")
Shows the instances with one "ButtonA" and any amount of "ButtonB"

show instances ( "ButtonA" >= 2 or "ButtonB" = 1)
Shows the instances with two or more "ButtonA" or one "ButtonB"

show count instances( "team"."player" = 2)
Shows the number of instances with two of the label "player" in the group "team"

show count instances ( "ButtonA" != 2)
Shows the number of instances with one "ButtonA" label or three and more "ButtonA" labels

show count instances ( not "ButtonA" = 2)
Shows the total number of instances that do not have two "ButtonA" in them Use in conjunction with WHERE to select particular rows


Will return all the instances in the timeline between the red markers.



Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


length instances2
Returns the total length of the instances in the timeline between the red markers

count "a" and instances2
Returns the total number of instances with "a" in them between the red markers in the timeline.


Will return the 'x'th instance in the timeline based on start times.

Format: INSTANCE[index]

Arguments: index: a number less than or greater than 0. if index is greater than 0 then it will count from the beginning. eg. 1 represents the first instance in the timeline, 2 the second instance etc. If index is less than 0 it will count from the end. eg. -1 represents the instance with the latest start time, -2 the second latest start time etc.

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


length instance[2]
Returns the length of the second instance in the timeline.

length instance[-3]
Returns the length of the third last instance in the timeline. If you wish to have more control then the LIMIT command should be used


Will return a label in the timeline. If an instance has 3 labels it will return the instance 3 times.

Format: LABEL string

Arguments: string: a label name

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


show count label "a"
Returns the total number of labels in the timeline with "a" in them. Use in conjunction with WHERE to select particular conditions


Will return a label in the instances. If an instance has 3 labels it will return the instance 3 times.

Format: LABEL string IN instances

Arguments: string: a label name instances: any command that returns instances

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


show count label "a" in instances limit 1
Returns the total number of labels in the 1st instance in the timeline with "a" in it.


Filter instances on ranges of numeric values of labels in a specified group

Format: instances WHERE LABEL_IN_GROUP operator value


instances: quoted text specifying label you wish to count in the front timeline or instances (which can be grouped using OR, AND, NOT)

operator: < > = !=

value: the numeric value for comparison

Available: code windows only

Version: 11.2.7 and later


show count instances where label_in_group “distance” >= 10 and label_in_group “distance” < 15

show instances where label_in_group “margin” < 5


Will return all the labels in the timeline. If an instance has 3 labels it will return the instance 3 times.

Format: LABELS


Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


count labels
Returns the total number of labels in the timeline. Use in conjunction with WHERE to select particular rows


Will return all the labels in the instances. If an instance has 3 labels it will return the instance 3 times.

Format: LABELS IN instances

Arguments: instances: any command that returns instances

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


show count labels in instances limit 1,1
Returns the total number of labels in the second instance in the timeline.


Will give the length of labels in the timeline (including multiple ones in the same instance) in seconds

Format: LENGTH labels

Arguments: labels: quoted text specifying label you wish to get the length of in the front timeline or instances(which can be grouped using OR, AND, NOT) optional WHERE conditions conditions: ROW = quoted text or ROW != quoted text (which can be grouped using OR, AND, NOT)

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


length "score"
Returns the total length in seconds of all the "score" labels in the front timeline

length "score" and "fouls" where row="smith"
Returns the total length of "score" and "foul" labels in the row "smith"

length "score" where row!="smith"
Returns the total length of "score" labels which are not in row "smith"

length "score" where row!="smith" or row!="fred"
Returns the total length of score labels in the front timeline which are not in row "smith" or row "fred"

In the following example: $a = not ("shot" or "foul")

show length $a
Shows the total length of labels in the front timeline which do not have "shot" or "foul" labels in them.

show length instance[1]
Shows the length in seconds of the first instance in the timeline


will limit instances based on conditions

Format: instances LIMIT offset,select OR instances LIMIT select

Arguments: instances: quoted text specifying label you wish to count in the front timeline or instances(which can be grouped using OR, AND, NOT) offset: the offset to start counting. eg. 1 = will skip the first instance etc. If offset < 0 then will count from end. eg. -1=last instance. Can be left out if offset is 0. select: how many instances to select. If select < 0 it will select up to the end value (-1=last, -2=2nd last etc...)

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


instances limit 2
Will grab the first 2 instances

instances limit 4,2
Will offset 4 instances and select the next 2. That makes it the 5th and 6th instance

instances limit 4,-1
will grab the 5th to the last instance

instances limit -3,-2
Will grab the 3rd and 2nd last instance

length "a" or "b" where row="row 1" or row="row 2" limit 3,2
Returns the total length of the 4th and 5th labels in the timeline with a or b in them and the row = 'row 1' or 'row 2'


Finds a match for a given value in the first range, and then returns the value in the cell with the same relative position in the second range. Ranges cannot overlap or be of different sizes

Format: LOOKUP ( value IN reference .. reference USING reference..reference )

Arguments: reference: column number or column title, row number value: a number, string, or instances you want to search the first range with. A range is specified by reference..reference

Available: Available for spreadsheet windows Version: 9 and later


show lookup ( "w" in $column-2,1..$column-1,8 using $column-4,1..$column-3,8 )
Shows the value in the cell 3 to 4 columns to the left of the current cell, if it finds "w" in the cell 1 to 2 columns to the left of the current cell

lookup(cell "data" in "sorted",1.."sorted",8 using "rank",1.."rank",8 )
Using the cell on the same row in column "data" search the column "sorted" and if it finds it returns the value from the column "rank" at the same row


Will test whether a given timeline is currently not open

Format: NOT OPEN timeline_name

Arguments: timeline_name: the name of the timeline

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


if ("my timeline" not open, show "YES")
Shows "YES" if the timeline with the name "my timeline" is not loaded


Will test whether a given timeline is currently open

Format: OPEN timeline_name

Arguments: timeline_name: the name of the timeline

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


if ("my timeline" open, show "YES")
Shows "YES" if the timeline with the name "my timeline" is open


Will return instances from the given arguments that overlap for any part of the timeline. Opposite of the unique command

Format: OVERLAP ( instances , instances )

Arguments: instances: labels or instances

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


$a=OVERLAP ( "label 1", "labels 2" )
Returns all instances which have label1 in them and overlap with any instance containing label2 in them. It will also return all instances which have label2 in them and overlap with any instance containing label1. It will also return instances with both labels in them but only once.

$a=OVERLAP ( instances,instances )
Will return all the instances as every instance will overlap itself

$a=OVERLAP ( instance[1], instance[2] )
Returns both the first and second instance in the timeline provided they overlap. Otherwise it will return nothing show start

OVERLAP ("label 1" where row="row 1" ,"label 2" where row="row 2")
Will show the start time of the first instance that overlaps where label 1 is in row 1 and label 2 is in row 2


Will give the length of instances that overlap with another instance in the timeline in seconds

Format: OVERLAP_LENGTH instances

Arguments: instances: labels or instances

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


show overlap_length instances
Returns the total length in seconds of all the time periods where two or more instances occur


will return all instances that have the correct range time condition

Format: instances WHERE RANGE operator value

Arguments: instances: quoted text specifying label you wish to count in the front timeline or instances(which can be grouped using OR, AND, NOT) operator: < >= = != value: the time you wish to test (in seconds) that intersects the range of the instances

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


count instances where range > 20
Will count the number of instances that have a start time after 20 seconds

count instances where range >= 20
Will count the number of instances that at some time occur at 20 seconds or have a start time after 20 seconds

count instances where range != 20
Will count the number of instances that do not occur at 20 seconds


will return all instances that are on these rows

Format: instances WHERE row = string OR instances WHERE row != string OR instances WHERE row = value OR instances WHERE row != value OR instances WHERE row < value OR instances WHERE row <= value OR instances WHERE row > value OR instances WHERE row >= value

Arguments: instances: quoted text specifying label you wish to count in the front timeline or instances(which can be grouped using OR, AND, NOT) string: a row name value: the row order in the timeline

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


show count instances where row = "code1"
Will show a count of all instances that have are on row "code1"

show count instances where row <= 3
Will show a count of all instances that are in the first 3 rows


Returns the row name from the front or specified timeline for the given index

Format: ROW_NAME ( value ) OR ROW_NAME ( value ) FROM timeline

Arguments: value: The index for the row in the timeline you wish to get the row name. 1 for the the first row timeline: The timeline title

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


show row_name (1)
Shows the top row name in the front timeline


Will give the earliest start time of the labels or instances in the timeline in seconds. returns -1 if no instances

Format: START instances

Arguments: instances: instances or quoted text specifying label you wish to get the earliest start time

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


START "score"
Returns the start time of the earliest instance which has the label "score" in seconds

START "score" and "fouls" where row="smith"
Returns the earliest start time of "score" and "foul" labels in the row "smith"

START instances
Returns the start time of the first instance show

START instance[-1]
Shows the start time of the last instance (based on start time)


will return all instances that have the correct start time condition

Format: instances WHERE START TIME operator value

Arguments: instances: quoted text specifying label you wish to count in the front timeline or instances(which can be grouped using OR, AND, NOT) operator: < >= = value: the start time you wish to test (in seconds)

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


count instances where start time < 20
Will count the number of instances that have a start time in the first 20 seconds

count "a" or "b" where row="row1" and start time < 20
Will count the instances that have "a" or "b" in them in row "row1" starting in the first 20 seconds


will return all instances that have the instance length condition

Format: instances WHERE TIME operator value

Arguments: instances: quoted text specifying label you wish to count in the front timeline or instances(which can be grouped using OR, AND, NOT) operator: < >= = value: the instance length you wish to test (in seconds)

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


count instances where time < 20
Will count the number of instances that are shorter than 20 seconds in length

count "a" or "b" where row="row1" and time < 20
Will count the instances that have "a" or "b" in them in row "row1" and are shorter than 20 seconds


Will return instances from the given arguments that do not overlap for any part of the timeline. Opposite of the overlap command

Format: UNIQUE ( instances , instances )

Arguments: instances: labels or instances

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


$a=UNIQUE ( "label 1", "labels 2" )
Returns all instances which have label1 in them and do not overlap with any instance containing label2 in them. It will also return all instances which have label2 in them and do not overlap with any instance containing label1

$a=UNIQUE ( instances,instances )
Will do nothing as there will be no unique instance as it will overlap with itself

$a=UNIQUE ( instance[1], instance[2] )
Returns both the first and second instance in the timeline provided they do not overlap. Otherwise it will return nothing show start

UNIQUE ("label 1" where row="row 1" ,"label 2" where row="row 2")
Will show the start time of the first instance that does not overlap where label 1 is in row 1 and label 2 is in row 2


will select certain instances based on conditions

Format: labels WHERE conditions

Arguments: labels: quoted text specifying label you wish to count in the front timeline or instances(which can be grouped using OR, AND, NOT) conditions: ROW = quoted text or ROW != quoted text (which can be grouped using OR, AND, NOT)

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later


count "a" or "b" where row="row 1" or row="row 2"
Returns the total number of labels in the timeline with a or b in them and the row = 'row 1' or 'row 2'

count instances where row!="row 1"
Returns the total number of instances in the timeline not counting those in 'row 1'