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Date and Time Commands



Converts the input in seconds to an hour based timer

Format: TIMER ( seconds , precision ) OR TIMER ( seconds , format )

Arguments: seconds: the time in seconds you wish to convert to hours:mins:seconds precision: the number of decimal places to show. A value format: a string which uses the date format standard link to output the string. Any dates will be today

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later

TIMER ( 3601.123,0 ) will return 1:00:01
TIMER ( 3601.123,2 ) will return 1:00:01.12
show TIMER ( 3601.123, " a" ) will show 01.00.01 AM


Converts the input in seconds to a minute based timer

Format: TIMER2 ( seconds , precision )

Arguments: seconds: the time in seconds you wish to convert to mins:seconds precision: the number of decimal places to show. A value

Available: Available for all windows Version: 9 and later

TIMER2 ( 3601.123,0 ) will return 60:01
TIMER2 ( 3601.123,2 ) will return 60:01.12