Cut the clutter from your days to make better use of your time.

Email Groups and Templates
Depending on your email provider, you can create and name contact groups to enter in the “TO” field anytime you want to send a message. And because you don’t always create email messages from scratch, you can also build templates to insert preformatted content.

Trello is a free website and app that is used to organize everything on your plate. Users can create general categories and add cards for each category. How you setup your Trello board is up to you. Some coaches have categories for practice, scouting, team management and misc, then add cards in each category for a practice plan, scouting report, team information and anything else they need. Other coaches have more specific categories, and their cards are the steps to complete the category. It’s what works best for you. Cards can be archived, so if you have a scouting report for a team, and run into them again in the playoffs, you can pull it back up. The app is great to access information while at practice or during a game.

Shameless plug, but we can't claim to save coaches time and not mention ourselves in a list like this. Our tools make it easy for coaches to attach custom feedback to game and practice video, creating custom playlists pulled directly from stat reports to call out key moments where a game may have been won or lost. Coaches can also contact the whole team with in-app messaging, filling everyone in on what to review before the next practice. And it's all available via computer, phone or tablet.
Given the myriad tasks coaches juggle on an everyday basis, time-saving tools like the ones above can be real life-savers. They help you become more task-efficient and make it easier to invest more of time and energy in helping your athletes improve.