Hudl is ded­i­cat­ed to deliv­er­ing the train­ing, sup­port and soft­ware you’ve come to expect. But now more than ever, we want to help you con­tin­ue your pro­fes­sion­al devel­op­ment and learn from indus­try experts dur­ing these chal­leng­ing times.

Our new series of webi­na­rs, host­ed by lead­ing indus­try speak­ers and inter­nal Hudl per­for­mance con­sul­tants, will give insights into the world of video analy­sis and recruit­ment, and also edu­cate you on the pow­er of Hudl Sportscode and Wyscout. 

The second webinar in this series features Pedro Marques, Technical Director - S.L. Benfica.

Miss the live view­ing? You can watch a record­ing here: