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How Athletic Directors Can Help Coaches Buy in to Video

2 min Read

Ready to bring Hudl to every program in your athletic department? Here’s how you can ensure all your coaches and athletes get the most from video.

Video is the ultimate coaching tool—when it’s used across your entire athletic department, every student and coach can benefit.

Hear how Tony Harris, Saint Ignatius College Prep athletic director, and his staff worked with every coach to bring Hudl to the entire athletic program.

Here’s What You Can Do

Step 1: Sit down with your coaches.

Arrange an informal, one-on-one meeting with all your coaches before the beginning of the year or their season. Your goal is to walk away from this meeting with a solid grasp on what’s currently going well, where there’s room for improvement and what you can do to help.

Step 2: Understand their challenges.

Ask questions to get a clear picture of what’s going on in your coaches’ programs. Are they struggling to attract athletes to their team? Do they have trouble fundraising? Is it taking them too long to break down their game stats? Are logistical issues, like finding a volunteer to film games, wasting their time?

Step 3: Learn about their process.

How do they teach technique? What roles do their assistant coaches play? What do they do to scout their opponents? How are they tracking stats? If you can uncover the pain points in their process, you’ll be better equipped to help fix them.

Step 4: Ask how they currently use video.

Are they running team film sessions, or asking athletes to review on their own time? Do they use video to help players improve technique? Or do they watch it to scout opponents? If video isn’t part of their workflow, ask how they accomplish these things without it. Once you understand how video fits into their process, you can communicate how Hudl can help.

Step 5: Show them they’ll be supported.

Finally, make sure your coaches know they’ll be trained to use all of Hudl’s products. They’ll also have access to online classes and tutorials that will keep them up to speed on new technology.

Are your coaches still skeptical about video? Have them check out: