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7 Tips to Boost Your Team Profile

3 min Read

Our team profiles recently received a design overhaul, offering our coaches better cus­tomiza­tion. With these new options, your team can gain more recognition for its achievements.

The team profile includes your team’s highlights, the season schedule and your roster of athletes, with links to their individual profile and highlights. In short, everything you need to show off. It’s already built in as a beneficial feature, but check these seven tips to make it really brag-worthy.

With Followers Comes Recognition

Promote your players’ profiles and highlights as a whole by increasing traffic to your team page. Your team profile page can have followers, as can each of your player's profile pages. Start spreading the news about your team’s achievements and you’ll start racking up views and followers.

“I am big on trying to promote our program to our community and to colleges. I feel like the team profile is a great way to be able to promote these players.” Brad Kunz, Plano High School (Texas) football coach

The more followers, the more your team’s best moments are shared with the world. Be sure to create highlights for your team and athletes after every game to give the people what they want.

Show off Your Team Colors

Your team profile picture is the perfect spot to stick your school or club logo. Not only does it display at the top of your profile, but on each and every team highlight as well. This is your opportunity to brand the team.

Hudl for soccer team profile

Don’t stop at the profile picture. Include a tagline to convey your team’s philosophy to the public. We’ve seen quotes, hashtags, links to Twitter accounts, you name it. Whatever your team stands for, let fans know with that tagline.

Get Your Game Face on

The banner is the ideal place to upload your best shot from team picture day. It’s a large horizontal space, and with the right planning, you can make your profile stand out even more. Keep the maximum file size of 10 MB in mind when speaking with your team’s photographer.

If you really want to stand out from the competition, here’s your chance. Great creative and add some flair.

Need ideas? Check out these examples by Jefferson City High School, Liberty North High School and the North Texas Barbarians.

Tell Fans When You Play

Treat your profile like a team website. Add your schedule for the season so fans know when you’re playing, keep the feed updated with your team’s activity, and, of course, display your team’s best plays by creating highlights.

“Really appreciate the cleaned up design and modern feel of the new pages. It’s now a one-stop location for our team highlights and schedule. It has allowed us the ability to be unique and creative in parts of its design.” Eric Whited, Liberty North High School (Missouri) football coach

Keeping your fans in the loop is the best way to ensure their support.

Ask Athletes for Advice

Ask your athletes for design input. With the ability to share your team’s profile straight to Twitter and Facebook, it should be so awesome that your players have no choice but to share the link all over the internet.

“I recommend spending a little time adding to this part of your team’s Hudl account. Do something unique to your team, and confer with players to make sure it ‘looks good’.” Coach Whited

Your athletes could have some incredible ideas on how to create an eye-catching profile and make the team look unstoppable. After all, it’s their team, too.

Recruit, Recruit, Recruit

Use the team profile to engage prospective players. If you’re a high school team, keep in mind that a lot of club level players may be looking to come your way soon. Interact with them as soon as possible by sharing your profile to gain followers and fans.

If you’re a club coach, the stakes are high for you to market your team as one kids want to be on. Make it an easy choice by creating and maintaining a dynamite Hudl profile.

"I like the new team profile because it gives us a chance to tell a little more about our club and our kids. I would recommend it wholeheartedly.” Mark Kissinger, North Texas Barbarians rugby coach

Lead by Example

Now that you know the team profile includes pages to your athletes’ individual profiles, and how important it is to keep up engagement for followers, encourage athletes to do the same by updating their own profiles. Current information, statistics and their top plays from each game are all important factors to getting noticed. Hudl has some awesome highlight tools specific for athletes. Motivate them to take advantage after every game. The more you show off your team profile, the more attention your athletes will get.

The teams linked in this blog have already taken advantage of Hudl’s new profiles. Use their example and our tips to maximize the benefits of your own.