Sharing, Simplified: Enhanced Permission Control on Hudl

We’ve simplified privacy control over files — both video and non-video — to add more security to your Hudl account.
There is a level of security that teams expect to have over their content. Whether that be practice footage, opponent video, scouting reports, code windows or other files staffs require control over who can see what and when they can see it, whether that be practice footage or opponent video.
So we’ve made changes to enhance your ability to control access to specific content while content is uploading to your library on Hudl. These enhancements will reduce concern around who can access content in your library, and what abilities they have with that content.
You can now set permissions during upload or share from the library.
The controls are:
Can View:
- View and download files
Can Contribute:
- Add and edit comments and drawings
Can Edit:
- Remove any drawings and comments
Can Manage:
- Delete content and manage who has access
We’ve cut out a few steps along the way to build a process that is seamless and efficient for you.