Investing in performance technology can often require compromise. Whilst not every club is blessed with the riches of the sporting elite, conflict can occur across departments where budgets are limited. With performance technology, it is important to understand the wider strategic impact and how, when used effectively, the right technologies can provide a significant and meaningful return on investment.

In this series, we review the key areas that can benefit from the effective applied use of performance technology to maximize the return on investment and ensure efficient application across the club infrastructure.

Check out the other parts of the Maximizing the Impact of Performance Technology Series here.

Players' Development

Designing and implementing development processes especially for key roles such as players and coaches, introducing and educating players and coaching staff on best practices.

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To maximize the performance of your player investments, correct processes and appropriate tools are essential. These include having Individual Development Plans within the context of your Team Identity, Game Model and overall team goals, whilst optimizing internal communications between departments that are centered around the player.

High performing teams use Hudl as their internal video library, providing clips and playlists to players, coaches and staff that can be interesting and meaningful to them. Add content taken from Wyscout and League Exchange and let them learn from the best clubs, players and managers in the world. Hudl Pro Suite provides you with the tools to promote ownership of personal development and support a high performance culture.

When you work with younger teams, there’s always this dichotomy, this division between result and development,” said Monchi. “I’ve always been firm on this. I’ve always been very consistent in showing people that the most important thing was player development. The results come later, because the more the player improves, the better the results will be. Ramon Rodriguez Verdejo “Monchi” - Sporting Director, Sevilla FC

Read the full interview with Ramon Rodriguez Verdejo “Monchi” - Sporting Director at Sevilla FC, here.

Individual Development

One of the trends in modern sports is to individualize player development. This trend follows key findings of education-based research into how connecting learning to individual needs is key. The concept of an individual development plan (see example in the image below) has become widely adopted and, when executed well, demonstrates a clear link between the recruitment of the athlete/player and their continuing education program that is brought to life through their games program.

The implementation of video for players' training, the tracking of players’ progression on a regular basis, and the alignment of players' development with club and academy philosophy should turn it into a practical day-to-day model for athletes to follow.

This process should also be implemented for coaches, to make sure that all the staff at the club is involved in the analysis process, creating a shared ‘language’ across the entire organization that can help to optimize internal communications between departments, ultimately resulting in more streamlined workflows.

Example of Individual Development Plan

Player Empowerment

Whether a player is a young talent or an established professional, they will always seek and expect feedback from their coaches. But thanks to technology, a much more effective and scalable approach is possible: players and staff can review their own performances and see which areas they need to improve in.

In order to be fully involved in the analysis process, players need to adopt a growth mindset, constantly reviewing and analyzing their performances. Ultimately, you don’t want a squad of players waiting for the coach to tell them what they need to do, but instead a group of athletes capable of making their own decisions. And the quality of those decisions is heavily influenced by the analysis processes at the club.

The combined power of Hudl Sportscode and the integrated Hudl platform allows clubs to capture, analyze and share insights, empowering players to select clips to review on their own, and share comments and drawings with the coaching staff. Also, Wyscout can be used to review performance, get stats and also as a development tool to share content, send messages, and watch other players/leagues for inspiration.

Injury Risk

In the process of combining information to produce knowledge, Individual Development Plans should call out the potential injury risks of all shortlisted players. This will be provided by qualified practitioners and combined with other assessment metrics to aid decisions around training and match selection plus contract renewal, sale or termination. The role of technology is to increase the accuracy of medical assessments and the speed of information is available to key decision makers such as the Coach and Sporting Director. During the recruitment process, accurate playing data can also be used to detect gaps in playing history that could be explained by unreported injuries.

In other sports such as rugby, innovative performance analysts are working alongside medical staff, using video analysis software to assess on-field injuries and aid the management of return-to-play protocols. Injury identification and assessment are clearly a new level of value that analysts can provide.

Combining all this with evidence provided by companies such as Noisefeed can yield good results in the mitigation of risk.

The whole process and detail around identifying and assessing injuries has expanded exponentially in recent years and this is something implemented right through international and professional rugby across the globe. Marc Carter, Performance Analyst - LA Giltinis

Read the full interview with Marc Carter - Performance Analyst at LA Giltinis here.

As stated by Nicolò Cavallo - CEO & Founder of Noisefeed:

"As recruitment and talent identification have become a hyper-specialized aspect of modern football, it has become even more important to get the next investment right. Nowadays, clubs explore every possible aspect of a deal before signing a player. From previous experiences to family, habits and social activity. Among all data taken into account, injuries play a vital role in assessing the potential value of a signing for a club.

Thanks to dedicated services, technology and analysis, clubs can have a 360° vision of a player’s injury record, identifying potential physical weaknesses and expected playing availability of the athlete throughout one or more seasons. This has now become a critical aspect of the recruitment phase, as it allows the management to make informed decisions ahead of any investment on the transfer market.

Services like the Noisefeed Injuries Database can provide a full range of high-level data to clubs, providing sporting directors with vital information for their transfer decisions. With more than 60.000 verified injuries in the Noisefeed database, decision-makers can foresee and assess weaknesses of transfer targets in order to minimize investment risks."

Hudl Pro Services help teams implement intelligence-based systems that inform everyday decision-making, learn more here.

The Hudl Pro Suite is an integrated solution that gives clubs all the technology they need to succeed in the modern game, learn more here.

Wyscout offers a complete set of scouting products designed to enhance every aspect of player recruitment, start your free trial here.