Kicking It Up a Notch: Hudl Focus Now Streams Both Tactical Angles

When it comes to video, one angle simply doesn’t fit all your needs. Coaches and analysts want a wider shot, so they can see all the action as it plays out. But a closer angle comes in handy when it comes to coding and analysing. Not to mention players want to see their individual performance up close, to pick up on small details that a wide angle might miss.
Now you don’t have to choose. You can record and stream both angles—tactical and extra wide tactical—from Hudl Focus Outdoor and Hudl Focus Flex. Available for both matches and training sessions for Focus Outdoor, and for training sessions in Focus Flex, all you have to do is select which angles you want to include.
This feature is already available and being utilised by some of the best clubs in global football.
“Our international teams have been taking the extra wide tactical and the tactical video in IP to live capture, which allows the analyst to code the game and not worry about controlling the camera,” said Gerard Dunne, Head of Performance Analysis & Senior Men’s Team Head Analyst for FAI (Football Association of Ireland). “This is a very significant step in the workflow process, being able to capture two angles live, and is absolutely massive for us.”
“We have also been able to livestream the games for families back home, as the teams play across Europe. And this also allows FAI staff to watch and live code the games, which is another big help to the team analyst.”
Watch our training video below to see how it works.