The present article examines more in-depth the arguments discussed at the roundtable on “The FIFA reform proposals on transfer and agents regulations: latest developments and discussion” held at the 2018 Wyscout Forum at the Johann Cruyff Arena, Amsterdam, moderated by the author of this article, with the participation of Roberto Branco Martins (General Counsel | EFAA), Daan De Jong (Head of Sports Legal | ECA) and Alexandra Gómez Bruinewoud (Senior Legal Counsel | FIFPro).
In essence, FIFA perceived that the regulations currently in force – namely the FIFA Regulations on the Status and Transfer of Players, Edition June 2018 (“FIFA RSTP”) and the FIFA Regulations on Working with Intermediaries (“FIFA RWI”) – are no longer suited to the needs of the modern football transfer market and is thus implementing a major reform of the transfer and intermediary system.
The reform process forms part of a wider agreement between FIFA and FIFPro which led the latter to withdraw the complaint against FIFA it had lodged with the European Commission since September 2015. All amendments are discussed at length between FIFA, FIFPro, the European Club Association and the World Leagues Forum under the umbrella of FIFA’s Football Stakeholders Committee, which includes confederations, member associations, and professional football stakeholders.
This article is divided into three parts. The first briefly analyse the amendments regarding the so-called “narrow issues” (essentially overdue payables and abuse of players) – already introduced into the FIFA RSTP – which were approved by the FIFA Council at its meeting in Bogota, Colombia, on 16 March 2018.
The second deals with the “broad issues”, meaning the broader study and review of the transfer system. This is based on the following fundamental principles, endorsed by the Football Stakeholders Committee on 25 September 2018 and approved by the FIFA Council on 26 October 2018:
- Creation of a “clearing house” to process solidarity mechanism, training compensation, agents’ commissions and, potentially, transfer fees.
- Mandatory introduction of an electronic transfer system at a national level and a domestic electronic registration system.
- Limits to the number of loans per season and between each club;
- Prohibition of bridge transfers and sub-loans;
- Solidarity contributions to apply to domestic transfers involving an international player.
Finally, the third part of this article focuses on the on-going discussions regarding the replacement of the current FIFA Regulations on Working with Intermediaries with new FIFA Agents Regulations, with the return of the system of the license, the inclusion of agents into the Transfer Matching System (“TMS”), a potential fee cap and limits on dual representation.

Creation of a clearing house for international transfers
A further revolutionary step announced by FIFA will be the introduction of a Clearing House, which will collect from and distribute funds to clubs, including training compensation, solidarity mechanism, agent fees and, potentially, transfer fees.
With this, FIFA aims to further protecting integrity in football, seeking in particular to prevent fraudulent conduct and money laundering. Also, the clearing house would increase transparency and ensure that training rewards, such as solidarity contribution and training compensation, are duly paid to training clubs.
In fact, under the new system, the exact amount of training rewards will be automatically calculated by FIFA based on the enhanced “player passport”, through the information collected thanks to the registration and transfer data provided via ITMS and DTMS.
FIFA’s clearing house will be operated in collaboration with a third party provider, which will interact with a commercial bank to receive and distribute payments. FIFA will ensure compliance and maintain responsibility for sanctioning non-compliant clubs.
The implementation of an administrative fee will help to sustain the costs associated with the clearing house, which is meant to be functioning within about two years.
Solidarity Contribution Changes
Solidarity contribution is payable to any club that has trained a player between the ages of 12 and 23 on all international transfers involving the payment of a transfer fee. It is calculated as 5% of the agreed transfer compensation and distributed proportionally to all training clubs.
Currently, only international transfers (i.e. transfers between two different national associations) trigger the payment of solidarity contribution. As such, for instance, when Gonzalo Higuaín transferred last summer from Juventus to AC Milan, training clubs were not rewarded. However, had he moved to a non-Italian club, solidarity contribution would have been payable.
This distinction, besides being hardly justifiable and penalizing for the training clubs, also results in an indirect influence in the transfer of players, since a selling club may tend to prefer a domestic transfer over an international one, the latter suffering a 5% reduction over the agreed transfer fee amount.
FIFA will thus amend the solidarity contribution rules, so as to also apply to domestic transfers with an international dimension, meaning transfers between clubs pertaining to the same national association involving a foreign player. This should ensure that the solidarity contribution in international transfers does not act as a deterrent to conduct international transfers for those that wish to avoid paying solidarity.

Training Compensation
Training Compensation is payable upon signing of a player’s first professional contract (with a club affiliated to a different association than the training club) and upon each subsequent international transfer until the end of the season of a player’s 23rd birthday. It is due to clubs that have trained the player between the ages of 12 and 21 and calculated by reference to ‘training costs’, on a confederation basis, with a precise determination made by national associations, which divide their clubs into a maximum of four categories.
Unlike the solidarity contribution, training compensation is not linked to transfer fees. As such, while transfer fees (and correspondingly solidarity contribution) increase, training compensation does not. For instance, according to data collected through the FIFA TMS, in 2017 the aggregate amount of training compensation was USD $20.3 million compared to the expected aggregate solidarity contribution of USD $318 million, which equates to approximately 15 times more.
Also, training compensation is not easy and immediate to calculate, resulting in incorrect calculations and loss of potential rewards for the training clubs.
In this respect, two different set of proposals have been brought forward within the TaskForce to tackle the above-mentioned issues and make the training compensation system more predictable, effective and consistent.
According to the first, the percentage of solidarity contribution deducted and paid by the buying club would be increased from 5% to 6% of the agreed transfer fee. Out of such percentage, 5% would be paid, via the newly established clearing house, as the solidarity contribution to the training clubs (like under the current rules). The additional 1% would be destined to a “centralized fund”, which would be used for the payment of training compensation according to the criteria currently in place.
This would mean that training compensation would no longer be payable by the new club, but by FIFA from such centralized fund (funded by international transfers against payment of a transfer fee), thereby removing the so-called “hindrance effect” (obstacle to the transfer of a player due to the fact of the new club having to pay training compensation).
The second option would be amending the current framework, without however altering core principles and mechanisms. Within this context, training compensation categories would be revised, and amounts increased if a player is moving from a lower to a higher category club and decreased if he is moving from a higher to a lower category club.
Therefore, the aim would be to increase the amounts destined to reward to training clubs, while, on the other side, not imposing excessive burdens to the transfer of young players, especially when moving to clubs of small economic capacity. Training compensation would, in any case, be paid by the new club itself, such as under the current rules.
Transfer of Minors
One of the main concerns of football regulators is the protection of minors. The competition for the pursuit of the best talents and the increasing costs related to their acquisition has pushed clubs and agents to constantly lower the age at which players are recruited. How this protection should be granted is, however, debated among the stakeholders.
FIFA’s approach during last years has been rather restrictive, prohibiting the international transfer of minors, with a few selected exceptions subject to the approval of a specific sub-committee created within the FIFA Players’ Status Committee. However, FIFA is also aware that such strict enforcement of the current rules can be counterproductive to certain young players by limiting their football development opportunities.
Among the mentioned exceptions, the most relevant one – allowing international transfers between the ages of 16 and 18 in the EU/EEA subject to certain mandatory conditions – is only available to European clubs. In this respect, CAS jurisprudence determined that such exception also applies to transfers of players with an EU passport from clubs based in no-EU/EEA countries to clubs based in EU/EEA countries. This, considering the high number of South-American and African citizens holding double citizenships, effectively resulted in an imbalanced system, which creates more opportunities for minors in Europe compared to other regions.
With this in mind, FIFA is considering to extend the current EU/EEA exception at a global level, while also amending the text of the FIFA Regulations to reflect the mentioned CAS jurisprudence.

Loans are currently regulated by art. 10 of the Regulations, which only contains some basic provisions and, in particular, that loans are subject to the same rules as apply to the transfer of players, including the provisions on training compensation and the solidarity mechanism.
Loans being thus essentially unregulated, FIFA is considering to introduce stricter rules. Essentially, the motivation is that loans have become a tool for financial speculation, and not, as FIFA wishes, for the purpose of training and development of a player.
The general idea is thus to introduce restrictions on the loaning of professional players. The number of loans per season will be limited, probably in a number between six and eight loans in and six and eight loans out per club; similarly, the same clubs could realize a maximum of three loans in and three loans out between each other.
The restrictions will not apply on the loaning of players which qualify as U21 or as ‘Home Grown Players’.
Finally, FIFA intends to prohibit (i) sub-loans, since it considers that they erode the stability of contract and the duty of care owed by a club to a player; and (ii) the so-called “Bridge Transfers”, considered as those situations where a player is transferred to a club and then immediately transferred (whether permanently or on loan) to another club without ever having appeared for the so-called “bridge club”.
Squad size limits & home-grown players rule
Currently, the FIFA Regulations do not include any rule related to squad size limits and home-grown players, which, on the contrary, have been introduced by certain national associations (such as the FA) and by Confederations (such as UEFA in respect of competitions under its umbrella).
The proposed framework would be a squad size limit of between twenty-five to thirty players for each club; players loaned out would be excluded from counting, whereas loans-in would be included. Out of such players, a certain number (for instance eight out of twenty-five) of players should be home-grown, whereas U21 players would be excluded from counting. Rules would be introduced progressively so as to give clubs enough time to adapt.
However, FIFA is considering different models to implement the proposed changes. Under the first one (“principle-based approach”), FIFA would merely introduce non-binding recommendations setting out minimum requirements to be implemented at national level, which would allow national associations or league operators to precisely determine its implementation. The second one (“prescriptive approach”) would introduce detailed provisions defined by FIFA and mandatory at a domestic level (in top-tier national leagues only).
Transfer Windows
FIFA is also considering a reform of the transfer windows system since those are not harmonized between different countries. It is perceived that this jeopardizes competition integrity at a global level.
For instance, in Brazil, the season starts in January and the mid-season transfer window is around July. However, the main European pre-season transfer window ends in August, which means that Brazilian clubs often lose players after the closure of the mid-season transfer window with no possibility to replace them.
Also, in a number of leagues, the pre-season transfer window is still open after the season starts. Last year, this was changed for the first time in competitions such as the English Premier League and the Italian Serie A, where players could only be registered before the start of the first match.
For many different reasons, however, harmonization of different domestic league calendars, even if desirable, is complicated. The proposal is thus that of either prohibiting or limiting (for example to four players) the transfers after the domestic season has started. Restrictions might also be introduced to the number of transfers that may be realized during the mid-season window.

The essence of the amendments described in this article has already been defined and announced by FIFA. The TaskForce is fine-tuning details and the new regulations are likely to be announced within the first semester of 2019, even though the implementation of certain amendments might demand a longer time.
As said, it will be the most significant reform of the FIFA Regulations since 2001. FIFA, which is also being closely scrutinized in its role of world governing body for football by the EU institutions and the Council of Europe, has made it clear that it is not satisfied with the speculative and somehow unethical direction in which the football transfer market has taken in the last decades. It intends to introduce rules which fairly balance the interests of stakeholders and those who follow “the beautiful game” with a passion.
Within this context, however, any proposed regulations shall take into account the fact that football is an economic activity that is subject to the application of EU law within the European territory. Thus, reforms shall ensure that any restriction on freedom of action or competition is justified. For this reason, the proposed rules shall be necessary and proportionate to achieving the legitimate objectives pursued by the RSTP.
As such, even though FIFA faces the demanding task to find a balance that is not easy to strike, the author perceives that most of the proposed amendments point towards the correct direction, even though fundamental issues, such as a potential cap of agent fees and limits on dual representation, have still to be determined, and might remain subject, even if and when implemented, to potential legal challenges.
The exact manner in which FIFA will finally govern such aspects will be key to the overall functioning of the proposed reform. A too “soft” approach may leave the doors open to the very same speculative actions which FIFA is mainly targeting, whereas excessively strict regulations, besides being open to challenges in court, might be too far from reality and thus likely to be circumvented. Also, FIFA will need to set up and guarantee a proper system of enforcement, since, as said, rules might remain “blank” without proper execution.
The reform will have direct and significant consequences on the daily activities of the readers of this blog, who are thus suggested to closely follow the process.
Stefano Malvestio
Attorney-at-Law at Bichara & Motta Advogados
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