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Faster and Cheaper: How Hudl Saved 50% and Doubled Performance

We took time to optimize our EC2 instance types. By finding the maximum load a server could handle we were able to run a quarter as many app servers. Our hourly spend dropped by 50%. Despite the huge cost savings, we also saw a 2x improvement in response times! This came about by moving to a newer instance family.

Faster and Cheaper: How Hudl Saved 50% and Doubled Performance

We took time to optimize our EC2 instance types. By finding the maximum load a server could handle we were able to run a quarter as many app servers. Our hourly spend dropped by 50%. Despite the huge cost savings, we also saw a 2x improvement in response times! This came about by moving to a newer instance family.

The top dashboard is showing average response times and the bottom is the 90th percentile (p90) response times. Yellow is the Control set and purple is Test. The red lines show two separate scaling events. Performance didn’t seem to deviate too much, though it does show several high peaks after the second downscaling event.
You can see the impact to CPU after we increased the amount of traffic (the two green lines) vs the CPU of a server in the control AZ. Instance IDs blurred to protect the innocent.