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Basketball Hudl Performance Analysis

Stand Out from the Crowd: How Video Can Be Your Competitive Advantage

1 min Read

In the hyper-competitive space of club basketball, coaches talk about how Hudl has proven to be a key dif­fer­en­tia­tor for their programs.

How does Hudl help EvoHoops Director Randy Bennett stand out? You heard in the video above—it’s made them a differentiator.

“I think Hudl’s given us a competitive advantage in this space because what it’s done is allowed our younger guys, who look up to our older guys, to want to do more,” said Rise Above Basketball Director and CEO Brendan Carter. Carter’s young club checked off a couple high-profile victories on the AAU circuit in New England this past spring, which got everyone’s attention. “Seeing what they’re doing is making our younger kids want to do the same,” Carter added.

Carter and his club believe the power of Hudl helps them stand out in the hyper-competitive space of youth basketball and impacts their on-court success.

“In order to expand, you have to reach out and see what else is out there,” said Carter. “Using a product like Hudl for us has been huge because it’s just allowing us to take advantage of those that aren’t using it.”

Many club programs use video to improve their performance on the court. For others, it’s all about growth and expansion. Whatever your goal, one thing is clear–a commitment to technology will help your club stand out.

Rise Above Basketball, City Hoop Dreams and Evolution are using video to dominate—click here to see for yourself.