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AD Insights: When It’s Not Too Good to Be True

2 min Read

This Wisconsin school found that Hudl could influence its athletic programs in more ways than one.

When Don Kurth was first introduced to Hudl, he was dubious. “When things are too good to be true, they usually are,” he stated. But after a year with an athletic department package, he’s singing a different tune. 

Expanding the Opportunity

Last year, technology use exploded. Every industry was affected by the power the internet gave consumers during a pandemic. With this change came a learning curve, especially for those who never had this digital connectivity before. 

This was the case for Brookfield Central High School’s athletic programs. Kurth needed to find a solution that would help all of his sports teams maximize their development, even when they couldn’t be on the field or court. That’s when he turned to Hudl. 

He was immediately impressed by the ease and reliability Hudl’s school-wide package provided. Though some sports had used Hudl before, this upgrade allowed new teams to experience the impact of video and data. 

As Kurth’s coaches adjusted to this new opportunity, their adoption accelerated. Anyone who used Hudl got more time back in their day—for teaching their players and personal time. It was a win-win scenario for continued development and work-life balance during a very hard year.

People Were Watching

Hudl also changed the game for Brookfield Central’s livestreaming. 

After upgrading to the athletic department package, Kurth was able to receive, set up and use his Focus cameras to stream games to a school YouTube channel in no time. Since Nov. 1st, 2020, there have been over 100,000 views. In short, “People were watching,” Kurth said. 

Even with the school’s internet interruptions, the benefits of livestreaming were extraordinary. It scaled the reach of their teams’ games, providing access to all community members for both home and away contests. 

Not only did the community appreciate the new video service, they now expected it. Livestreaming will continue at Brookfield Central, even as in-person attendances begins to return. And as Kurth looks to meet these fan goals, he knows Hudl will be a staple of Brookfield-Central’s athletic system.

New and Next 

In fact, coaches are already discovering how Hudl’s products complement other technologies. Take Brookfield Central’s women’s soccer coach Daniel Makal, who combined Focus camera footage with GPS wearables. This enabled athletes to recognize how their on-field movements could be more efficient.   

So now what does Kurth say about these products? “This is no longer an old guy using VHS,” he laughed. He’s right. It’s an army of resources to help programs, athletes and coaches adapt, innovate and connect. 

If those are your goals, learn how you can bring Hudl to your athletic department today.